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Windshield repair
Before windshield repair

Windshield Repair

Windshield repair will restore your automobile’s windshield structural integrity while maintaining your factory seal.

Windshield repair significantly reduces chances of chip/crack spreading and makes the remaining blemish far less noticeable.

Windshield repair is an inexpensive alternative to replacement when returning your leased vehicle.

THINK GREEN! Windshields are not recyclable.
Opt to repair and do your part to reduce waste.
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Windshield repair
After - Almost invisible repair at a low cost

Repair cost less than replacement

- water leaks that can corrode electrical wiring
- damaged and stained headliners
- foul odours due to under carpet rotting
- floor board corrosion
- wind noises at highway speeds.

Unlike a replaced windshield which can take up to 72 hours to fully cure, a repair will only take about 20 minutes to complete.
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Frequently asked questions

What is windshield repair?
It is a process by which a self etching clear acrylic resin is injected into a stone chip, stabilizing the damaged area.

What should I do if my windshield gets a stone chip?
A stone chip should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent the damage from spreading out further. This will lessen the risk of contamination entering the crack which would lead to a less aesthetic repair. Delays can result to non-repairable crack-outs.

What is a crack-out?
It is along extended crack caused by stress through a stone chip.

What causes a stone chip to crack-out?
Crack-outs can be caused by driving the car over a bumpy road or a pot hole, by using air conditioning on a hot day or heating on a cold day or by washing a hot windshield with cold water.

How large of a chip can be repaired?
Your chip is most likely repairable if the damaged area is no larger than the size of Canadian Dollard coin.

Is the repair invisible?

No. However, depending on the type of damage and contamination that has entered the point of impact; most repairs can be restored to 85-98% optical clarity. The injected acrylic resin has a different degree of optical refraction than automotive glass.

Is my windshield at risk during chip repair?
A cracked windshield is at a higher risk of cracking out completely during the repair process as it is already in a fragile state. Pressure is applied inside and outside the crack, necessary to seal and fill the point of impact.
Although risks are considered minimal and every precaution is taken, a successful repair can not be guaranteed.

How long does it take to complete a repair?
An average size stone chip will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to repair?

Do you also replace windshields?
No. We encourage the benefits associated with repairing your windshield. Should your windshield not be repairable, we will refer you to the appropriate professional.

Do you offer mobile service?
Yes. We can come to your home or office depending on your location. An appointment will be arranged at your convenience.

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